Friday, September 10, 2010

Bacon Wrapped Fun with Crackers!

Hello Bacon Fans!
I have been a bacon wrapped slackard.
Probably disappointing all of you and certainly disappointing myself!

So, after getting my ass back to therapy and paying someone to believe in me, I am back onto my "All things should be wrapped in Bacon" quest.

Last night I found this recipe to wrap crackers and cheese in bacon. How can you go wrong? Seriously. How can you go wrong. Well, you can overcook them. That is the only way to go wrong as far as I'm concerned.

But, you know what I really liked about this recipe? It was SO simple! Tasty and fun. It really needed a dipping sauce of some sort...I'm thinking cheese or maybe a honey mustard!

The recipes I found all called for club crackers. Well, I don't have them today. And I was in no mood to fight the crowds at the grocery store just for some Club Crackers. Townhouse Crackers were the winner!

Turn your oven on to 250 degrees. You will bake these about 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours. I did 2 hours and felt they were just a bit overcooked. The Boy agreed and said the bacon was too cooked. Next time, it's 1 1/2 hours.

Just get yourself a pan with a lip and place your crackers on the pan!
Next, pile on the cheese!!
Wrap each cracker in a half slice of bacon!

2 hours later! Crispy littlesnacks!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Holy Crap it's Bacon Salsa

Dear Bacon Fans,
Today I went out and bought some Bacon Salt. I was worried the store wouldn't have it and I would have to pitch a fit right there in the Spice Section of King Soopers. But, apparently, the Bacon Gods were smiling down on me and there it was....

In all it's glory. It's wonderful tasty glory. I fell to my knees and threw up my hands and yelled out, "Praise Be to the Bacon Gods!!" I was suddenly very alone in the Spice Aisle as people shooed their children away.

But, I could care less. I was on a mission to make....DRUM ROLL please... BACON SALSA (echo echo echo).

So, here are the original ingredients...and just so you know...I completely disagree with them.....My WAY (Cuz my way rules) is next to each ingredient:

3 strips of bacon, cooked well (4 strips of bacon, 1 for eating)
1/2 sweet onion, chopped (1 whole red onion - chopped into four pieces)
1/2 green bell pepper, coarsely chopped (1 whole green bell pepper, chopped into 4 pieces)
1/4 cup fresh cilantro (1/2 cup of cilantro..I mean come on! Cilantro makes salsa)
5 slices pickled jalapeno peppers, or to taste (EWW..I used 2 real jalapeno peppers)
6 fresh tomatoes, quartered
2 teaspoons olive oil
2 teaspoons red wine vinegar
1-2 teaspoons of bacon salt (EXCUSE ME??? 1 teaspoon? please. Two overflowing)
1/2 lime, juiced (1 whole lime...juiced to death)
dash salt

Now, that we got my modifications out of the way....

In your handy dandy food processor (and seriously BFs..if you don't have one of these, sell yourself, sell your child or your mate and GET ONE) throw in your onion:

Throw in your cilanto:

Throw in your green pepper:

Throw in your jalapenos:

BLEND, people, Blend!

Throw in your tomotoes:

Throw in your's Bacon...

Pulse until tomatoes are chopped up and put into a bowl.

Now, in another bowl...we are going to blend a little bit of goodness...

Add your two teaspoons of Red Wine Vinegar:

Add your two teaspoons of Olive Oil:

Add Salt and Pepper (I know, I know..the recipe didn't call for it..but, you HAVE to add pepper)

and of course, the Super Duper Magic Ingredient... BACON SALT!!!!

Whisk that shit up and pour over the salsa. Stir....EAT.

The End.
the Bacon Lady thanks you for stopping by and supporting my bring peace to the world with Bacon